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At Little Owls Nursery we feel that it is important that the children feel part of their community and develop their sense of belonging. We regularly walk down to the Local War Memorial, and take part each year on Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday. The nursery encourages the children to litter pick and help keep our playing fields clean. We also collect Harvest food for the Hope Centre, and actively take part each year in Derby Secret Santa.  Jo and Charlotte have been Santa's elf's  and they help Santa to deliver presents to the most needy people in our community. 

The nursery hosts an annual community Scarecrow festival for the whole community, and has helped organise a Christmas horse ride for all the families to join in the magic. The nursery has also been working MECA Charity to help co-ordinate and deliver packages to local families in need of food gifts. The nursery is the local collection point for families and is proud to be able to do this.

Each winter we collect donations  to take to the homeless in Derby, and we help take part in a local community Christmas party for the residents on the estate. 

We only purchase books from the local charity shop as all the money raised there goes back to the community, and it allows the charity shop to plant flower beds for the community to enjoy...and of course of our green fingers Little Owls help to do this with the local Councillors. 

We believe it is important for children to also have a view of the wider world, to help spread happiness and share what we have with other less fortune. 

"In a world where you can be anything, be kind"

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